Thursday, October 10, 2019

Clear Your Mind

I’m struggling to decide on what to write. I know it sounds weird to be writing a piece about the difficulty of writing a piece on a blog that will no doubt, at least one time in existence is read by someone. Yet, go along with me. I’m sitting here and trying to figure out what needs to be discussed in pop culture. You know, the Batman, Avengers, the Lord of the Rings, and other similar types of pieces of popular culture. Heck, it could be argued that popular culture could include sports like the NHL, MLB, and NFL. Yet here I am and feel the need to share. Heck, this piece by itself is me trying to share something with you, the reader. Does something need to be said? Surely there is always something going on. But when is there a time for noise/information? We live in a world where information itself is disseminated, dissected, and spit back out in many ways, shapes and forms. But when is it time to shut everything out? I do not pretend to be perfect, but as an observant Jewish man, the weekly Jewish Sabbath, with turning off all electronic media, and I can focus on my family, on my relationship between other people and the Almighty does provide it. I am not here writing telling anyone that they need to do what observant Jewish individuals do, and just turn off, but perhaps if our culture perhaps, even for a few hours a week just turned off electronic media that constantly demands our attention and to focus on other people and, heck, even to read a few pages in a book, could solve a lot of problems, maybe even save lives. I’m not saying it will and I am not some self-help guru demanding you do anything. As Ferris Bueller once said “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

Don’t miss it.

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